A Bookish Craft to Help You Track Your Reading...

Too often Mary and I read library books or listen to audiobooks only to forget that we ever read them--without that spine on our bookshelves, it's easy to forget.  In 2013, Mary and I decided to start keeping a master list of every book we read ... and we decided to make it GIGANTIC. We did this by painting over an old piece of thirftstore art with white primer: 


We decided to leave a tree and girl on horseback just for fun: 


Then we started writing down the titles of books that we read with a black Sharpie. I was House Scrivener because Mary has the handwriting of a serial killer:


Our rules were pretty simple. Only write each title once (per year). That means if we both read a book or if we re-read something, it wouldn't clutter our list: 

photo 4

One year into the experiment, it's become a nice ritual. You'd be surprised how the prospect of adding to the list motivates you to finish a book! Here's the list hanging above our piano in the library: 

photo 1

I like the idea that in 30 years, we will have an entire room filled with pictures like this!